Are You 100%?

Sunday, 25 October 2009 12:44

I not yet can fully execute better what according to my mind of goodness. Feel egoism exist in in myself is true big so! I am only trying to be nature of that not take a grip on me. Particularly if that concerning with problem of love, egoist sure I will emerge to surface. As ordinary human being it is of course the mentioned often just happened to whom. But really make challenge me and its barricade weight. I have to deal with myself alone is. Middle of crisis which knock over in this time, requiring someone beside I to remain to to balance my mind. Its challenge become heavier at the time of I have to reside in far from one who during the time accompanies and support me.
Every moment I have to try to make self business, otherwise wish to be attacked negative mind culture about life. That feeling is I have to fight against strengths so that in less than influencing me farther. Hopefully Allah of swt show promise at slave. And boredom such as those which knock over in this time I can channel to things which are positive. When that challenge come to me. At the time I have to immediately awaken in order not to fall to far with darkness of mind which every moment can attack.

irregular Life current it is true will make us confuse if we do not ready to. Don'T there is mind retreating of our self. Multiply to do activity and make self business one of the way of fighting against boredom that happened. Invite friend to discuse about existing problem, perhaps from them we can find way out. And last surender self to Lord. Possible that wrong one of the compatible suggestion make me do, to be my undiminished percentage!
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